About Me

I grew up in a small farming community in eastern Washington State. In 2004 I moved across the country and enrolled at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK to begin preparing for vocational ministry. As a Biblical Literature major, I fell in love with the study of scripture and the process of applying timeless truths to everyday life.

For the last 10 years I have been studying business and theology at the university. The more I have studied, the more I realize I do not know. This has made me a lifelong learner. I am intending to use this blog as a means to share reflections from my study with my family, friends, and church community.

I currently work at my alma mater discipling undergraduate students and managing a residence hall. In the next couple of years I am hoping to transition into full-time ministry in the local church.

Last year I married my beautiful wife Rachel. I enjoy lots of hobbies including cooking, gardening, cycling, off-roading and playing the trumpet.

Thanks for reading. Connect with me on twitter @b_moG!



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